Tulsa Garden Center

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Bragging Rights

When we’re in the weeds (pun intended) it can be difficult to step back and take a bigger look at our highlights and successes. There’s this magic that comes with the new year - fresh eyes, dreams of the future, and a clear reflection on the past. The new year magic affected us too, and now we feel the need to brag on ourselves a bit! Awards were plentiful in 2023!

All American Selections A whimsical Garden Winner

Second Place, Category 2 (10,000-100,000 visitors)

American Public Gardens Association PROFESSIONAL Citation Award

Leigh Taylor, Teaching Garden Manager

Keep Oklahoma Beautiful Award

Tulsa Garden Club Youth Committee Award, Non-Profits >40,000

Plant Society & Flower Shows Staff Awards

It should come as no surprise that Tulsa Garden Center team members excel at gardening who were recognized repeatedly in 2023!

Laura Chalus, Tulsa Rose Society - Beverly Hybrid Tea Rose Class 8 Fragrance Award, Blue Ribbon First Place, and Best in Class.
Tatum Thrasher, Tulsa Garden Club NGC Horticulture Show - Fruit Punch Celosia First Place and Award of Merit
Leigh Taylor, Tulsa Rose Society - Dublin Bay Modern Shrub Rose Blue Ribbon First Place, Court of Honor, five additional First Places, one Second Place, and one Third Place
Laura Chalus, Tulsa Area Iris Society - Novice Classes multiple Blue Ribbons (not pictured)